Reasons Why You Should Not Paint Over Mold

Mold-resistant paint has been used for years to protect homes from the growth of mold and other fungi. While it can be effective in some cases, painting over mold is generally not advised. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why you should not paint over mold, the health hazards associated with it, and alternatives to painting over mold.

At SBN Restoration, we specialize in mold remediation and can help protect your home from mold growth. Keep reading to learn more about why you should not paint over mold and what to do if you find mold in your home.

Reasons Why You Should Not Paint Over Mold

Health Hazards

The primary reason why you should not paint over mold is because of the health hazards associated with it. Mold produces spores that can cause serious allergies and asthma attacks, and even more serious respiratory illnesses. Painting over mold leads to airtight environments around the mold, which can lead to an increase in spore count and greater exposure to those spores.

Ineffectiveness of Paint

In addition to the health hazards posed by painting over mold, it’s also not effective as a solution. Paint does not stop mold from growing, and in fact, it can make it worse. Paint can trap moisture and create an environment that is conducive to mold growth, which can lead to an even bigger problem down the line.

Possibility of Further Damage

Painting over mold can also cause additional damage to your home. Paint can trap moisture and provide a place for the mold to hide, which can cause more damage over time. Paint can also peel, chip, and crack, which can further damage walls and surfaces.

Alternatives to Painting Over Mold

Cleaning, Removing, and Treating the Mold

The best way to prevent mold growth is to remove it entirely. Cleaning, removing, and treating the mold is the most effective way to ensure that it does not return. At SBN Restoration, we use advanced mold remediation techniques to ensure that the mold is eliminated and that your home is protected from further mold growth.

Professional Assistance

In addition to cleaning, removing, and treating the mold, it is important to seek professional assistance if you find mold in your home. Professional mold remediation technicians have the experience and expertise to ensure that the mold is removed quickly and safely. At SBN Restoration, our technicians are experienced and trained in the latest mold remediation techniques and can help protect your home from further mold growth.


In conclusion, painting over mold is not recommended and can pose serious health hazards. The best way to prevent mold growth is to clean, remove, and treat the mold. If you find mold in your home, it is important to seek professional assistance to ensure that it is removed quickly and safely. At SBN Restoration, our technicians are experienced and trained in the latest mold remediation techniques and can help protect your home from further mold growth.